Thursday, 27 March 2014

secrets of success

We all have the urge live a better life with all our heartfelt wants and to rather have a luxurious than one filled with obstacles. However we do not really always have want we want in our life. Every single person in this world is facing some sort of trial or test. There may be some facing trials in education, others in their jobs, still others in their businesses, and still more facing problems with family or friends. It is certainly difficult for a person to look at the tragedies of the world today and not feel helpless and sad. Problems are Universal!!! Life is full of difficulties and obstacles, from birth to death. At times, Life seems like a hurdle race. We are sure of encountering hurdles, but almost always we are taken by surprise. It is necessary to accept that life in general is full of difficulties and adversities. It may feel that we are not getting anywhere but we have to recognize the fact that patience and perseverance can overcome mountains.

               If we want to be successful in this world ,we have to be patient.

let us consider a very simple fact. We all have once come across a little bird, its beauty might have attracted our attention but maybe there is more than its beauty that we have to pay attention to.

Despite of scorching sun rays or clear pebbles of the rain, birds fly all around without losing sight of their ultimate goal and they bring little little parts and gradually build their nests.They adorn their little world forgetting about all the possible disasters.

Similarly we have to bear in mind that all our hardships can be tackled when we have patience. Every triumph is not of the same kind. Sometimes it arrives early and sometimes it takes a long time.So many times in our lives something happens to us and we feel that this is the worst thing that can happen to us. But then after the trial we realize that this is the best thing that could have happened to us. Be patient, because with any trial that you are going to face there will be ease. One must not imagine that victory is impossible and very difficult.We all will go through trials and tribulations but nevertheless we will be relieved.

We find it hard to complete our tasks because we feel like abandoning them as soon as they become difficult, and our miseries are further aggravated by our impatience. However, it is possible to accept and endure pain if we have a good reason to do so; and whenever we practice such patience we actually reduce our sufferings. For example, if someone were to stick a sharp needle into our flesh we would find the pain unbearable, but if the needle contained a vaccine that we needed, our tolerance would increase considerably.

If we are able to endure adversities we will reap great rewards.

Patience and perseverance, tolerance and forbearance are common traits of the world’s most successful people

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